Neema Gray Neema Gray

Is Pricing Simply About Raising Prices?

When it comes to pricing, there is a misconception that pricing is simply about raising prices or just setting the right price to achieve a certain margin expectation.

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Neema Gray Neema Gray

New Product Development and Value Pricing

Very often, when we speak about pricing especially within NPD, most people think that price is just a number, and they will typically focus on price setting days before launching their product. The truth is that very few businesses have a process in place to set and manage pricing.

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Neema Gray Neema Gray

The Benefits of a Pricing Transformation

Pricing is the most powerful profit lever a business has. It has the power to drive or destroy margins in your business very quickly. Yet, it is overlooked and undervalued by most businesses. Studies show that companies are spending less than 10 hours a year on their pricing!

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Neema Gray Neema Gray

A Guide to Unlocking Profit Margin in Manufacturing

In the changing landscape of modern manufacturing, navigating challenges like the pandemic, supply chain headwinds, cost pressures and inflation can be daunting. To stay ahead, businesses must uncover the hidden potential within their profit margins.

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Neema Gray Neema Gray

A Guide to Price Management for Manufacturing Companies

In the fiercely competitive world of manufacturing, where every penny counts, the art of Price Management holds the keys to unparalleled benefits. Imagine maximising your profitability, gaining a decisive edge over competitors and swiftly adapting to ever-shifting market dynamics.

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Neema Gray Neema Gray

What Is PRICE?

Have you ever stopped to reflect on what pricing means in your business? For some it may just be a number generated in a spreadsheet based on costs but it means SO much more.

Price is value. Price encompasses so many opportunities to drive success and create value.

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Neema Gray Neema Gray

6 Steps to launch a successful new product

Have you launched a new product only to later realise that you under-priced it hugely and left significant money on the table? This happens a lot and to many businesses.

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Neema Gray Neema Gray

One-size fits all approach to pricing destroys value

All customer needs are not equal and different customers will have different needs from your products and services. Geographically, prices will vary too depending on market dynamics and competitor landscape.

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Neema Gray Neema Gray

Are You Assessing & Quantifying Customer Value?

Very few businesses understand how much value their products create for their target customers.

VALUE CREATION is the foundation of any pricing strategy and requires a deep understanding of how products and services create value for your customers. Understanding value created by a product requires intimate knowledge of your customers’ needs. This deep understanding of customers’ needs translates your product’s FEATURE into a customer BENEFIT which then can be translated into a VALUE DRIVER.

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Neema Gray Neema Gray

How Do You Handle Customer Price Objections?

“We really like your product, but it is too expensive. We have had quotes that are 15% to 20% cheaper. If you can match this, we would be interested in placing the order.”

This was the feedback our manufacturing client received from their customer and the customer was ready to show the quotes from other suppliers. One option could have been to go down the price discussion and price discounting route, but they didn’t have to.

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Neema Gray Neema Gray

Are you linking product features to customer benefits and value?

When developing a new product, do you link product features to customer benefits and then do you estimate the economic value that your customer will receive?

You maybe wondering what this has got to do with pricing.

This is a very powerful approach that creates a line of sight between your product features and the $ economic impact on your target customers’ business.

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Neema Gray Neema Gray

5Cs of Value Creation

The 4Ps of marketing are widely known by lots of people in business. How much attention are you paying to the most powerful P – PRICE?

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