NVG Value Pricing

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Strategic Pricing Framework

“The reason it seems that price is all your customers care about is that you haven’t given them anything else to care about.” – Seth Godin

The harsh reality for many businesses is that they have trained their customers and sales team to ignore value and to negotiate on price. If price is the sole focus of discussions with customers and sales, it is time to reframe price as VALUE. There is a proven process to setting the right price that takes away the guess work, pain and pulling numbers out of thin air. I have used this process successfully with many manufacturing and engineering companies, from specialty ingredients to chemical pumps. It works!

It starts with:
1. A deep understanding of your target customers
2. Helping customers to understand value offered by your products and inducing purchasers to engage in value discussions
3. Aligning price with the value derived
4. Creating and managing pricing policies to proactively influence behaviours

Setting the right price requires the development of a pricing strategy, your foundation to building long-term profitable growth.

How are you setting the right price?